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Unarmed Security Officer/Courier

An unarmed security officer/courier means any person who performs the functions of observation, detection, reporting, or notification of appropriate authorities or designated agents regarding persons or property on the premises that individual is contracted to protect, and who does not carry or have access to a firearm in the performance of their duties.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Must be 18 years of age or older.
  2. Successful completion of all initial training requirements for each registration category, including a firearms endorsement if applicable.
  3. Must be United States citizen or legal resident alien of the United States.

Training Requirement (18 hours)

Registration Steps

  1. Apply online at, and pay applicable non-refundable fees.
    NOTE: A Criminal History Processing form is part of the on-line initial application. There is a separate processing fee that will be reflected on your invoice.
  2. Schedule an appointment for fingerprints.  Schedule an appointment at or call 877-614-4364.  DCJS will automatically be notified once you have been fingerprinted.

Additional On-line Applications

  1. Those who will have access to a firearm must complete the requirements for a Firearms Endorsement. For more information: Firearms Endorsement
  2. Individuals already registered with DCJS who wish to add categories to his/her current registration must:
  • Complete the requirements for an Additional Registration Category. 
  • Successfully complete all initial training requirements for each additional registration category.
  • The Additional Registration Category list can be found at
  1. Current registered individual who have lost their registration card may apply for a replacement one at, and pay the applicable replacement fee.
  2. Individuals convicted or found guilty of a felony or misdemeanor (not to include minor traffic violations) in Virginia or any other jurisdiction to include military court martial or currently under protective orders must submit a Criminal History Supplemental Form. For more information, view the Criminal History page)
  3. Certain training exemptions may be granted for required training courses. Refer to the Regulations related to the area of interest to check the eligibility for a training exemption.

NOTE:  You may be eligible to waive a portion of your entry-level training if you have completed certain private security services training or if you are a qualified law enforcement officer.

Before a registration will be issued, individuals must complete all required training for each category of their registration.

Training Requirements (4 hours)

Renewal Steps

  1. Renew online at, and pay applicable non-refundable fees.
  2. Complete in-service training. The school will submit a roster – please do not send your training completion form to DCIS.

Additional Applications

  1. Those who will have access to a firearm must complete the requirements for a Firearms Endorsement. This endorsement must be renewed every 12 months. For more information: Firearms Endorsement
  2. Individuals already registered with DCJS who wish to add categories to his/her current registration must:
  • Complete the requirements for an Additional Registration Category. 
  • Successfully complete all initial training requirements for each additional registration category.
  • The Additional Registration Category list can be found at
  1. Current registered individual who have lost their registration card may apply for a replacement one at, and pay the applicable replacement fee.
  2. Individuals convicted or found guilty of a felony or misdemeanor (not to include minor traffic violations) in Virginia or any other jurisdiction to include military court martial or currently under protective orders must submit a Criminal History Supplemental Form. For more information, view the Criminal History page
  3. Individuals who meet limited circumstances, may apply for a renewal extension.  For more information: Extension
  1. Certain training exemptions may be granted for required training courses. Refer to the Regulations related to the area of interest to check the eligibility for a training exemption.

NOTE:  You may be eligible to waive a portion of your entry-level training if you have completed certain private security services training or if you are a qualified law enforcement officer.

Before a registration will be issued, individuals must complete all required training for each category of their registration.

A person who performs the function of observation, detection, reporting, or notification of appropriate authorities or designated agents regarding persons or property on the premises he is contracted to protect, and who does not carry or have access to a firearm in the performance of his duties. 

You must possess a valid registration in this category. 

For information on how to apply, please visit the  Unarmed Security Officer page.

No. An unarmed security officer can work for 90 consecutive days while completing the compulsory minimum training requirements, provided your fingerprints were submitted on or before their date of hire and your employer provides you with a 90 day authorization document.  This document along with a photo ID must be carried on duty while performing regulated services until a temporary or permanent registration is issued.

No. An unarmed security officer can work for 90 consecutive days while completing the compulsory minimum training requirements, provided their fingerprints were submitted on or before their date of hire. 

18 hours -- 01E security officer core subjects (18 hours) 

4 hours -- 01I security officer core subjects (4 hours)