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Virginia STOP Violence Against Women Act (VSTOP)

Grant Program Information: Virginia STOP/Violence Against Women Act (VSTOP)
Purpose of Funds:

In 1994, the United States Congress passed the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (codifies at 42 U.S.C. 3796gg through 3796gg-5). VAWA includes the Services, Training, Officers, Prosecution (STOP) grant program.

DCJS is the administering agency for the STOP Violence Against Women grant in Virginia, known as VSTOP. VSTOP offers grant funds to successful applicants for activities which increase the apprehension, prosecution, and adjudication of persons committing violent crimes against women.

V-STOP Reporting Forms: Click Here
V-STOP Resources VSTOP Application Training
FAQs on VAWA Confidentiality Provisions
State VSTOP Implementation Plan
VSTOP FAQs on Allowables
VSTOP Allowable and Unallowable Expenses and Activities
VSTOP NDO Presentation
VSTOP Training on Report Revisions
Eligibility Requirements: This grant program is open to local units of government, state agencies, and nonprofit/nongovernmental victims services agencies which fall into one of the following applicant categories: law enforcement, prosecution, victims services, and other.
Contact Information:

Grant Coordinator(s)

Grant Monitor(s)

DCJS Grants Administration
1100 Bank Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Phone: 804.786.4000
Fax: 804.786.7231