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Fall 2018 Invitation For Law Enforcement Grant Applications

The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) is making $800,000 in federal Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) funds available for program, training and equipment grants to improve the functioning of local, state and campus law enforcement agencies. One half of the grant funding ($400,000) will be set aside for law enforcement agencies with 50 or less sworn staff, as reported in 2017 Crime in Virginia published by the Department of State Police.

Grants funded under this solicitation are one-time, nine-month duration grants with no matching funds required. The grant funding period is January 1, 2019 and ending September 30, 2019. These grants cannot be extended and will not be eligible for continuation. This is a competitive solicitation, where each applicant will be competing against other grant applicants. Each submitted grant will be rated on the quality of the application and adherence to the grant submission guidelines.

  • Applicants may submit only one grant application. Applications must not be for less than $5,000 and must not exceed $50,000.
  • There is no match requirement.

Grant applications are due to DCJS by email as a single PDF file on or before Friday, 5:00 PM, November 9, 2018. Applications received after that time and date will not be considered.

Grant Contact Information

Grant Coordinator(s)

Tracy Matthews
(804) 371-0635
email Tracy
Nicole Phelps
(804) 263-3388
email Nicole
Natasha Winfree
(804) 659-7593
email Natasha

Grant Monitor(s)

Nicole Phelps
(804) 263-3388
email Nicole
Natasha Winfree
(804) 659-7593
email Natasha

Grant Program Details

Application Due Date:
Date Posted:
Archive Date: