Yes, reimbursements are still done quarterly. For reporting deadlines, please refer to the award package and/or contact your grant monitor.
At this time, supporting documentation of expenditures is not required for all programs. Any questions regarding your specific project or grant program can be sent to your grant monitor.
The high level budget will show for all programs. Some grant programs may include additional forms but not all of them. The forms displayed in the training videos are example forms for demonstration purposes.
No, the font entered can't be changed.
The system will use the email address you provided during registration. The email address should be assigned to a staff person who has access to view important correspondence regarding your grant. Alerts are system generated and will be sent to all contacts on the grant.
Yes, the Detail of Expenditure form is asking for a line by line expense report. You can contact your grant monitor for additional guidance.
The majority of grants are reimbursement only. Please contact your grant monitor for additional guidance.
Programs will be scheduling their own specific training sessions. We do not have anticipated dates at this time. Check with your grant monitor for additional information.
Your browser typically will.
Yes, it is new. Sometimes DJCS has to revise our procedures to maintain compliance with state and federal funders.
Check with your grant monitor for reporting instructions.
The frequency may depend on the specific grant program.
As many as you need, the system doesn't have a limit to the additional contacts.
Only a few grant programs have been implemented in the system. Please contact your grant monitor for additional guidance.
If the person is associated with the grant they will have access to all management capabilities. However, closed grants will not be available unless the new person was added to the grant.
Anyone who is associated with the grant will be able to see the report.
Check with your grant monitor on using the "withdraw" function before you use it. However, If you withdraw a report you would have to start a brand new one. You would withdraw if it was invalid or not needed.
For additional guidance on reporting detail of expenditures, please refer to the OGMS Training & Resources page and/or contact your Grant Monitor.
You would include both salary and fringe. For specific instructions on how to enter claims visit the OGMS Training & Resources page and/or contact your grant monitor.
The Claims process will include the financial report and request for funds that you are used to in GMIS. A terminology crosswalk is located at
The Grantee is the organization, which could be a locality. The grantee is the initial recipient of the funds from DCJS who signs the statement of grant award.
No, the program coordinator is the DCJS staff that coordinates the funding opportunity (grant program). Your grant monitor is the assigned person to assist you with your grants, monitor compliance, and provide training and technical assistance. Under some grant programs, these may be the same DCJS staff person.
You can print blank reports in the status report preview.
Please contact your grant monitor for additional guidance or send this question to
No, you cannot restrict the access if they are associated with the grant.
Yes, the print feature will show up when you preview the claim.
That is an internal process decision. If the locality wants the Finance Officer to review the requests and approve before its submitted then that is their decision. The business flow of a person entering the request and sending for the finance officer to approve no longer exists in OGMS.
You will have to submit a contract amendment change form with the new City Manager’s information and make sure the new person registers in OGMS. After the contract amendment is approved and the person has registered, you can associate them with the grant. For detailed instructions contact your grant monitor.
Please confirm reporting instructions with your grant monitor.
Yes, unless told otherwise by your grant monitor or your grant is one of the following:
- CCCA/PSA-Community Corrections & Pretrial Services Expansion Grants – Start Date 1/1/2021
- PAPIS Pre-Release and Post-Incarceration Services Expansion Grants – Start Date 1/1/2021
- VSTOP-Violence Against Women Grants – Start Date 1/1/2021
- SASP-Sexual Assault Services Program Grants – Start Date 1/1/2021.
You will only enter under special if your grant is funded by state special funds. Your contract will let you know what categories to use. Please refer to the funding opportunity for specific instructions and/or contact your Program Coordinator.
One quarter = 3 months
No, it will not go to another individual to be reviewed.
The training example did not include a budget with a match. If you have a match requirement, the columns will show up on the budget and claim forms. Please refer to the funding opportunity for detailed instructions or contact your grant monitor.
List all staff who are responsible for managing the grant. These users will have the ability to complete and submit reports, contract amendments, correspondence, and view grant information.
It depends on the grant program. Contact your grant monitor for additional guidance.
Yes, moving forward DCJS plans to post all new funding opportunities in OGMS.
When completing the Reimbursement, OGMS will auto populate amounts from the approved budget and calculate the available balance. The system will not allow you to enter expenses in a category not approved in the budget. For specific instructions on how to enter claims visit the OGMS Training & Resources page and/or contact your grant monitor.
Yes, the system has a timeout session if you are inactive for 30 minutes.
Yes, you can still submit the report. If you anticipate submitting a late status report, you will need to reach out to your grant monitor for instructions and complete a reporting extension contract amendment.