(FY 2016) Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG)

Localities and state agencies are invited to apply for funds to implement data-driven and evidence-based criminal justice programs or practices. Applicants may submit proposals for programs/practices targeting any aspect of the criminal justice system, including proposals for multi-jurisdictional heroin/prescription drug/opioid abuse or prevention initiatives, community policing initiatives, and juvenile delinquency prevention programming. Applicants are encouraged to seek funding to implement programs or practices identified through a local or statewide strategic planning process, and should briefly describe the planning process, report recommendations or other data or evidence that supports the proposed project. Applicants will need to ensure that the practices and/or programs are appropriate for the target population and that the proposed project can be implemented with fidelity. Proposals for training staff to implement evidence-based strategies and/or programs will be required to provide program performance data on the implementation of such strategies/programs for one year after staff training is completed.

Grant applications must include data relevant to the proposed project and must cite data sources. For proposed projects that seek to replicate an existing model program applicants should describe the program, its fit to the target population, and the national database or other source. Examples of nationally recognized program databases include Crime Solutions www.crimesolutions.gov, the What Works in Reentry Clearinghouse of the Education Institute of Sciences https://whatworks.csgjusticecenter.org, and the Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development website www.blueprintsprograms.com. Only programs proven effective or having the strongest research support will be considered for funding.  Programs/practices must have been rated at least “Promising” at Crime Solutions, have been found to have at least “Modest Beneficial Evidence” of effectiveness at the Clearinghouse, or have been rated at least “Promising” at Blueprints for Violence Prevention.