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FY 2025 Jail Mental Health Pilot Program (JMHPP) Grant

The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) administers general funds designated to support Jail Mental Health Pilot Programs (JMHPP) in providing evidence based behavioral health treatment to mentally ill, justice involved populations. JMHPP’s objectives are to enhance the capabilities of carceral environments to provide services to the seriously mentally ill population including medications, cognitive behavioral treatment, and assist individuals and communities through the reentry process by delivering community-based mental health treatment and other broad-based aftercare services.

The applicant programs must include collaboration with an aftercare program with a focus on reentry and mental health treatment needs of the program participants with a goal of creating a continuity of care from incarceration to community.

These programs will be required to work in collaboration with a behavioral health entity for continued services upon reentry to include lifestyle changes, behavioral health interventions, and substance use treatments. DCJS requires all JMHPP grantees to focus on partnerships and innovative collaborations with community stakeholders to ensure that care is provided in a wraparound fashion.

Applications for need-based funding for State Fiscal Year 2025 are now being accepted. The Jail Mental Health Pilot Program (JMHPP) Grant Guidelines and Application Procedures provide detailed guidance to aid applicants in determining eligibility, developing itemized budgets and budget narratives, and completing other related forms. Using the guidance presented in this document, applicants can efficiently and effectively prepare complete applications.

Guidelines & Forms Reference

Grant Contact Information

Grant Coordinator(s)

Leslie Egen
(804) 371-0531

Grant Monitor(s)

Grant Program Details

Application Due Date:
Date Posted:
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