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CY 2020 Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP)

The Sexual Assault Services Formula Grant Program (SASP) was created by the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 Technical Amendments, and is the first federal funding stream solely dedicated to the provision of direct intervention and related assistance for victims of sexual assault. SASP is administered at the federal level by the U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women. Funding through SASP supports rape crisis centers and other nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations or tribal programs that provide core services, direct intervention, and related assistance to victims of sexual assault.
Funds provided through SASP are designed to supplement other funding sources directed at addressing sexual assault.
The purpose of SASP is to provide intervention, advocacy, accompaniment (e.g., court, medical facilities, police departments), support services, and related assistance to:
  • Adult, youth, and child victims of sexual assault;
  • Family and household members of such victims; and
  • Those collaterally affected by the victimization (e.g., friends, coworkers, classmates), except for the perpetrator of such victimization.

Guidelines and Forms for CY 2020 SASP Grant Application must be received by DCJS by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 6, 2019, and must be submitted electronically to

CY 2020 SASP Grant Application Guidelines

CY 2020 SASP Grant Application Cover Sheet

CY 2020 SASP Itemized Budget

CY 2020 SASP Narrative Template

CY 2020 SASP Project Description Form

CY 2020 SASP DOJ Certifications

CY 2020 SASP Certificate of Compliance

CY 2020 SASP MTDC Worksheet

CY 202 SASP Certificate of De Minimis

Grant Contact Information

Grant Coordinator(s)

Andi Martin
(804) 371-0534
email Andi

Grant Monitor(s)

Amia Barrows
(804) 225-4060
email Amia

Grant Program Details

Application Due Date:
Date Posted:
Archive Date: