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Most Frequently Asked Questions from Sub-Grantees

Grant Tracking
Are the reimbursement periods still quarterly?
Are we required to provide invoices to DCJS when preparing the claim?
Can the budget be shown in more detail, or just in the high level categories?
Can the font be changed in the fields?
Can we set up specific reminders to come to us directly, rather than a generic main county email?
Do we break down personnel expenses every quarter per employee instead of the total personnel spent on the grant like we did in GMIS?
Do we enter budgeted items in OGMS prior to purchasing?
Do we have an expected timeframe for program-specific training?
Does the system's narrative deploy spell check or not?
For Detail of Expenditures, we've never entered this level of breakdown in the submitted quarterly financial reports before. Is this a new requirement for all financial reporting now?
How do you upload status reports from a state required database system?
How frequently will DCJS send out alerts until a report is submitted?
How many additional contacts can be added to a grant?
I signed in but I don’t see any grants. When will I have access to my current grants?
If a new person takes over the reporting duties will the agency’s previous submissions show up in that new persons dashboard?
If I add and/or complete a report in OGMS, will it show up for all listed users under the organization?
If I withdraw a status report, will I need to resubmit the report over again?
If we have an Office Supply invoice for 30 different items and a Supply Room invoice for 20 items, do we enter each invoice as a separate item for a total of 2 entries or will we have to enter all 50 items individually?
In entering personnel expenditure details, should we be entering both salary and fringe per person, or just salary?
Is the "claim" for reimbursement the same as "drawing down funds"?
Is the grantee the locality?
Is the Program Coordinator the same as our current Grant Monitor?
Is there a way to print blank reporting forms?
Is there an example letter for the County Manager to delegate grant signature authorization to our Director of Finance?
Is there any way to restrict individuals associated with the grant from submitting the financial report and requesting the reimbursement?
Once I completed a claim can I print the report?
Once I submitted the Request for Funds and Financial Reports in GMIS they had to be approved by my Finance Director. Will that still need to be done or is that now eliminated?
Our Project Administrator is changing next week, should the interim City Manager register and be associated with the grant or the current City Manager?
Should we still be using GMIS for our reports?
Since we have to enter details for the claims, anyone associated with the grant will be able to see the payroll information. Is this correct?
So unless we've heard directly from our grant monitor, we should continue to submit our progress reports in GMIS for the next quarter?
To be clear, the organization will decide how to send and approve reports?
What falls under "special" in the salary categories with federal and state amounts?
What is meant by 3 months activities?
When you submit the claim reimbursement, does it go to your external contact, such as supervisor to review or approve the claim as well?
Where would you list any matching local funds on the budget?
Who would you recommend that we list as an additional grantee contact?
Will goals and objectives auto populate in the status report or do I have to re-type?
Will new grant opportunities be put in OGMS?
Will the claim auto populate the approved budget?
Will the system timeout if it is inactive for so long? If so, how many minutes before it logs you out?
Will you be allowed to submit a report after the due date? Will you need to get prior approval to submit the report late?
Are there separate roles for each user or will all users have the same capabilities (i.e. submission of status reports, detailed expenditures, reimbursement requests.)
Do current grantees have to re-register? Will we be getting different user names then we have right now in GMIS?
Do I enter my agency’s name or the name of my locality for the organization?
Do I use my locality’s contact information when I register?
Does my City Manager/County Administrator/Town Manager need to register in OGMS?
Does the temporary password expire?
How do I edit the organization information after registering?
How do I get to the login page to register in OGMS?
How do I register as a project administrator?
I am registered and see "Grantee" in the top left, but I have no open or closed awards in my list. When/how is that updated to show the grants associated with my agency?
I cannot find my FIPS code on the drop down?
If our Federal ID # has less numbers than required by the system, what should we do?
If we have funding under two grant programs, will we have to register twice?
In the case of a local government with multiple DCJS grants, will everyone registered under the locality be able to see every grant?
Is the dashboard shared with other registered members of your organization or is it unique to you?
Is the federal ID number the DUNS?
Our locality has passed a resolution authorizing our Deputy County Administrators and Assistant County Administrators to sign in the absence of our County Administrator. Should all of these individuals also be registered in the system?
What email address should I use when registering?
What if when you enter your UEI#, the SAM validation comes up inactive, but you know it is active?
What if you filled out the information incorrectly?
What is the FIPS number?
When can we register?
When completing the application, should I list our current Project Director, who will be leaving soon, or the individual who will be taking their place?
When I tried to register, my locality was not listed in the drop down options.
When I try to register I can only select one program area of interest but I actually manage multiple programs. What do I do?
Where do we find our UEI?
Where do we find the DUNS?
Where do we get the Federal ID #?
Who should register in OGMS and is there a limit to the number people allowed to register from one organization?
Who’s responsible for making sure my Project Administrator registers in OGMS?
Will one person in the organization register in OGMS and then add individual users?
General Questions
Can more than one person be signed into OGMS at the same time?
Can you cut and paste into these fields?
Could you please share the link for the training website?
Do the forms auto save? Or if you log off without saving you lose your data
Do we continue uploading reports and amendments in GMIS for existing programs that will continue using the old system until June, 2021?
I submitted a quarterly report in GMIS and I have a grant that started in grant tracking. Do I need to resubmit the report in OGMS?
If you use the help/ask question button at the top, does that route the question to the program manager, or is it automated?
Is OGMS completely replacing GMIS?
Is there a written training manual available to download for additional help?
I’ve viewed the training videos and registered in OGMS, now what?
Program Specific Questions
Should I recommend that other people in my organization take the training now?
So, for this coming year, will we be getting a paper copy of the statement of grant award package?
Will grants currently in progress start in the new system?
Will the new system impact hard copy records retention in any way?
Will the program be allowed to be on multiple computers within the same office/program?
Will this presentation be available on the DCJS website so we can refer to it when we submit our first reports?
Will we apply for a FY22 grant in OGMS?
Will we be able to access old grants from this system or will we use the old system.
Submitting Applications
Can more than one person in my organization work on completing the application at the same time?
Can the application title be changed prior to submission of the application?
Can you select two or more individuals as primary contacts?
Do any of the budget forms auto fill in other areas? For example the itemized budget to the budget grid?
How do we change the grant contact person information, say if the director leaves.
I understand all parties register individually but how do the localities approve the application for submission?
I'm used to uploading a PDF document with the grant application info. Under OGMS, all I have to do is sign in and enter the grant data and submit for approval?
If a match is required for your grant program, will it be available on the budget for that grant program.
If other staff members are registered to enter info, can they see/add/edit the application process or only be allowed to enter victim info?
If our County has a financial person that monitors all the grants under the county's Federal ID and DUNs, are they still going to be the one to approve reports, etc. Is the county administration still going to be the ones receiving awards or to the spec
Is everything, including application/project name editable?
Is the Primary Contact considered to be the person who actually signs the grant applications?
Is there the ability to copy an application if denied or you want to submit to a different program?
Once submitted, can the entire application be printed as one PDF? Including the attachments?
Our County Executive (Project Administrator) usually signs off on the acceptance of the SOGA agreement. So I would need our County Executive to sign up for an OGMS account?
Our organization has three DCJS grants, what will that look like in OGMS?
What is the authority certification?
What is the difference between Cash match and In Kind match?
What is the performance statement supposed to address?
Will acceptance of the award be an online process as well? Or will this be a form we will upload in the near future?
Will all the forms on the training video be included in applications?
Will the additional contacts be cc: on email alerts from OGMS for that specific grant application?
Will the project administrator sign hard copy documents or sign through the system? Usually city attorneys also need to see and approve the form.
Will we see everyone else's Questions and Answers under Funding Opportunities?
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Grant Tracking

Are the reimbursement periods still quarterly?

Yes, reimbursements are still done quarterly.  For reporting deadlines, please refer to the award package and/or contact your grant monitor.

Are we required to provide invoices to DCJS when preparing the claim?

At this time, supporting documentation of expenditures is not required for all programs.   Any questions regarding your specific project or grant program can be sent to your grant monitor.

Can the budget be shown in more detail, or just in the high level categories?

The high level budget will show for all programs. Some grant programs may include additional forms but not all of them. The forms displayed in the training videos are example forms for demonstration purposes.

Can the font be changed in the fields?

No, the font entered can't be changed.

Can we set up specific reminders to come to us directly, rather than a generic main county email?

The system will use the email address you provided during registration. The email address should be assigned to a staff person who has access to view important correspondence regarding your grant.  Alerts are system generated and will be sent to all contacts on the grant.

Do we break down personnel expenses every quarter per employee instead of the total personnel spent on the grant like we did in GMIS?

Yes, the Detail of Expenditure form is asking for a line by line expense report.  You can contact your grant monitor for additional guidance.

Do we enter budgeted items in OGMS prior to purchasing?

The majority of grants are reimbursement only. Please contact your grant monitor for additional guidance.

Do we have an expected timeframe for program-specific training?

Programs will be scheduling their own specific training sessions. We do not have anticipated dates at this time. Check with your grant monitor for additional information.

Does the system's narrative deploy spell check or not?

Your browser typically will.

For Detail of Expenditures, we've never entered this level of breakdown in the submitted quarterly financial reports before. Is this a new requirement for all financial reporting now?

Yes, it is new. Sometimes DJCS has to revise our procedures to maintain compliance with state and federal funders.

How do you upload status reports from a state required database system?

Check with your grant monitor for reporting instructions.

How frequently will DCJS send out alerts until a report is submitted?

The frequency may depend on the specific grant program.

How many additional contacts can be added to a grant?

As many as you need, the system doesn't have a limit to the additional contacts.

I signed in but I don’t see any grants. When will I have access to my current grants?

Only a few grant programs have been implemented in the system. Please contact your grant monitor for additional guidance.

If a new person takes over the reporting duties will the agency’s previous submissions show up in that new persons dashboard?

If the person is associated with the grant they will have access to all management capabilities. However, closed grants will not be available unless the new person was added to the grant.

If I add and/or complete a report in OGMS, will it show up for all listed users under the organization?

Anyone who is associated with the grant will be able to see the report.

If I withdraw a status report, will I need to resubmit the report over again?

Check with your grant monitor on using the "withdraw" function before you use it. However, If you withdraw a report you would have to start a brand new one.  You would withdraw if it was invalid or not needed.

If we have an Office Supply invoice for 30 different items and a Supply Room invoice for 20 items, do we enter each invoice as a separate item for a total of 2 entries or will we have to enter all 50 items individually?

For additional guidance on reporting detail of expenditures, please refer to the OGMS  Training & Resources page and/or contact your Grant Monitor. 

In entering personnel expenditure details, should we be entering both salary and fringe per person, or just salary?

You would include both salary and fringe.  For specific instructions on how to enter claims visit the OGMS Training & Resources page and/or contact your grant monitor.

Is the "claim" for reimbursement the same as "drawing down funds"?

The Claims process will include the financial report and request for funds that you are used to in GMIS.  A terminology crosswalk is located at

Is the grantee the locality?

The Grantee is the organization, which could be a locality. The grantee is the initial recipient of the funds from DCJS who signs the statement of grant award.

Is the Program Coordinator the same as our current Grant Monitor?

No, the program coordinator is the DCJS staff that coordinates the funding opportunity (grant program). Your grant monitor is the assigned person to assist you with your grants, monitor compliance, and provide training and technical assistance. Under some grant programs, these may be the same DCJS staff person.

Is there a way to print blank reporting forms?

You can print blank reports in the status report preview. 

Is there an example letter for the County Manager to delegate grant signature authorization to our Director of Finance?

Please contact your grant monitor for additional guidance or send this question to

Is there any way to restrict individuals associated with the grant from submitting the financial report and requesting the reimbursement?

No, you cannot restrict the access if they are associated with the grant.

Once I completed a claim can I print the report?

Yes, the print feature will show up when you preview the claim.

Once I submitted the Request for Funds and Financial Reports in GMIS they had to be approved by my Finance Director. Will that still need to be done or is that now eliminated?

That is an internal process decision. If the locality wants the Finance Officer to review the requests and approve before its submitted then that is their decision.  The business flow of a person entering the request and sending for the finance officer to approve no longer exists in OGMS.

Our Project Administrator is changing next week, should the interim City Manager register and be associated with the grant or the current City Manager?

You will have to submit a contract amendment change form with the new City Manager’s information and make sure the new person registers in OGMS.  After the contract amendment is approved and the person has registered, you can associate them with the grant. For detailed instructions contact your grant monitor.

Should we still be using GMIS for our reports?

Please confirm reporting instructions with your grant monitor.

Since we have to enter details for the claims, anyone associated with the grant will be able to see the payroll information. Is this correct?


So unless we've heard directly from our grant monitor, we should continue to submit our progress reports in GMIS for the next quarter?

Yes, unless told otherwise by your grant monitor or your grant is one of the following:

  • CCCA/PSA-Community Corrections & Pretrial Services Expansion Grants – Start Date 1/1/2021
  • PAPIS Pre-Release and Post-Incarceration Services Expansion Grants – Start Date 1/1/2021
  • VSTOP-Violence Against Women Grants – Start Date 1/1/2021
  • SASP-Sexual Assault Services Program Grants – Start Date 1/1/2021.

To be clear, the organization will decide how to send and approve reports?


What falls under "special" in the salary categories with federal and state amounts?

You will only enter under special if your grant is funded by state special funds. Your contract will let you know what categories to use.  Please refer to the funding opportunity for specific instructions and/or contact your Program Coordinator.

What is meant by 3 months activities?

One quarter = 3 months

When you submit the claim reimbursement, does it go to your external contact, such as supervisor to review or approve the claim as well?

No, it will not go to another individual to be reviewed.

Where would you list any matching local funds on the budget?

The training example did not include a budget with a match. If you have a match requirement, the columns will show up on the budget and claim forms.  Please refer to the funding opportunity for detailed instructions or contact your grant monitor.

Who would you recommend that we list as an additional grantee contact?

List all staff who are responsible for managing the grant.  These users will have the ability to complete and submit reports, contract amendments, correspondence, and view grant information.

Will goals and objectives auto populate in the status report or do I have to re-type?

It depends on the grant program. Contact your grant monitor for additional guidance.

Will new grant opportunities be put in OGMS?

Yes, moving forward DCJS plans to post all new funding opportunities in OGMS.

Will the claim auto populate the approved budget?

When completing the Reimbursement, OGMS will auto populate amounts from the approved budget and calculate the available balance. The system will not allow you to enter expenses in a category not approved in the budget.  For specific instructions on how to enter claims visit the OGMS Training & Resources page and/or contact your grant monitor.

Will the system timeout if it is inactive for so long? If so, how many minutes before it logs you out?

Yes, the system has a timeout session if you are inactive for 30 minutes.

Will you be allowed to submit a report after the due date? Will you need to get prior approval to submit the report late?

Yes, you can still submit the report.  If you anticipate submitting a late status report, you will need to reach out to your grant monitor for instructions and complete a reporting extension contract amendment.


Are there separate roles for each user or will all users have the same capabilities (i.e. submission of status reports, detailed expenditures, reimbursement requests.)

OGMS does not allow for user defined roles for external users.

Do current grantees have to re-register? Will we be getting different user names then we have right now in GMIS?

Yes, everyone will need to register for a new account.  Once you register, the system will send you a series of emails with your new username and temporary password.

Do I enter my agency’s name or the name of my locality for the organization?

The organization is based on the Federal ID Number associated with the DCJS grant.

Do I use my locality’s contact information when I register?

When you register, you will enter your personal information on the top form which is your business contact information. There is a separate organization form where you enter the contact information for the locality.

Does my City Manager/County Administrator/Town Manager need to register in OGMS?

Yes, the grant’s Project Administrator should register in the system.

Does the temporary password expire?


How do I edit the organization information after registering?

Email your request to

How do I get to the login page to register in OGMS?

Enter in your URL address bar.

How do I register as a project administrator?

OGMS does not allow for roles to be assigned for external users. However, when completing the application you will enter the contact information for the Project Director, Project Administrator, and Finance Officer.

I am registered and see "Grantee" in the top left, but I have no open or closed awards in my list. When/how is that updated to show the grants associated with my agency?

Please contact your grant monitor for the timeline of when your specific grant program will start using OGMS.

I cannot find my FIPS code on the drop down?

Send your locality and this issue to the to get your FIPs included.

If our Federal ID # has less numbers than required by the system, what should we do?

Add zeros to the end of your number to make it 9 digits.

If we have funding under two grant programs, will we have to register twice?

No, you will only need to register one time.  Once you are registered, you can apply for any funding opportunity that is posted.

In the case of a local government with multiple DCJS grants, will everyone registered under the locality be able to see every grant?

No, users will only see the grants they are associated with so it’s important to add the necessary individuals as additional contacts.

Is the dashboard shared with other registered members of your organization or is it unique to you?

Each person will have their own dashboard.  If you have a shared deadline, that item will show on both dashboards.  However, each dashboard is unique to the person that is logged in.

Is the federal ID number the DUNS?

An employer identification number (EIN) is a nine-digit number assigned by the IRS. It's used to identify the tax accounts of employers and certain others who have no employees. The IRS uses the number to identify taxpayers who are required to file various business tax returns.

Our locality has passed a resolution authorizing our Deputy County Administrators and Assistant County Administrators to sign in the absence of our County Administrator. Should all of these individuals also be registered in the system?

Yes they should register and DCJS needs a copy of the resolution. Please contact your grant monitor for additional guidance.

What email address should I use when registering?

Any individual using OGMS will need to register. The email address you enter will receive system alerts for things such as report deadlines, status changes and correspondence from DCJS.

What if when you enter your UEI#, the SAM validation comes up inactive, but you know it is active?

Please double check the DUNS you are entering. If you still have an issue report it to

What if you filled out the information incorrectly?

You can update your profile (personal information) once you have been approved.

What is the FIPS number?

FIPS codes are numbers which uniquely identify geographic areas. The number of digits in FIPS codes vary depending on the level of geography. State-level FIPS codes have two digits, county-level FIPS codes have five digits of which the first two are the FIPS code of the state to which the county belongs. In OGMS, the county-level FIPS code will display 3 digits.

When can we register?

OGMS registration is open! Please note that the registration process can take 3-5 days.

When completing the application, should I list our current Project Director, who will be leaving soon, or the individual who will be taking their place?

If both individuals will be working on the grant, you would include both. When the current project director leaves, you will be able to remove them from the grant after it’s been awarded.

When I tried to register, my locality was not listed in the drop down options.

Contact to report the missing locality.

When I try to register I can only select one program area of interest but I actually manage multiple programs. What do I do?

Selecting one program area of interest does not limit your access to apply to other program areas. Is it only for registration purposes. 

Where do we find our UEI?

The UEI is the organization’s DUNS.

Where do we find the DUNS?

Contact your organization’s finance office.

Where do we get the Federal ID #?

This is your organization's Federal ID number. It is the same number you have used on face sheets when you applied for a grant in the past.

Who should register in OGMS and is there a limit to the number people allowed to register from one organization?

Any individual who assists with the application and/or the management of the grant should register in OGMS. This would include Project Directors, Project Administrators, and Finance Officers. There is no limit to the number of people who can register under a single organization.

Who’s responsible for making sure my Project Administrator registers in OGMS?

Although DCJS does include Project Administrators in most of our communications, it is the organization's responsibility to ensure all necessary people are registered in OGMS.

Will one person in the organization register in OGMS and then add individual users?

No, everyone will need to register in OGMS.

General Questions

Can more than one person be signed into OGMS at the same time?


Can you cut and paste into these fields?


Could you please share the link for the training website?

Do the forms auto save? Or if you log off without saving you lose your data

The forms do not auto save so you must click save. You can save as you go without completing the required fields. However, you can’t mark the form as complete until all required fields are completed.

Do we continue uploading reports and amendments in GMIS for existing programs that will continue using the old system until June, 2021?

Yes, continue using GMIS for the grant programs that have not migrated to OGMS.

I submitted a quarterly report in GMIS and I have a grant that started in grant tracking. Do I need to resubmit the report in OGMS?

Yes, you will need to resubmit your progress report in OGMS.

If you use the help/ask question button at the top, does that route the question to the program manager, or is it automated?

The "Online Help" button seen throughout the system provides instructional help depending on the screen you are on.  The Funding Opportunity "Ask a Question" button will send the question to the program coordinator.

Is OGMS completely replacing GMIS?

Yes, eventually all grant programs will be using OGMS. Please contact your grant monitor for the timeline of when your specific grant program will start using OGMS.

Is there a written training manual available to download for additional help?

The DCJS website for OGMS training provides recorded training videos and additional materials to assist you with the system.

I’ve viewed the training videos and registered in OGMS, now what?

You will receive notifications from your specific grant program when it’s implemented in OGMS with additional information.

Program Specific Questions

All questions about a specific grant program should be directed to your grant monitor.

Should I recommend that other people in my organization take the training now?

All grants will be moving into OGMS but at different times. Contact your grant monitor for the timeline of your specific grant program. Any individual who assists with the grant application or management should register in the system. Training sessions are available on the website so they will be able to watch at any time.

So, for this coming year, will we be getting a paper copy of the statement of grant award package?

Initially, the statement of grant award process will remain the same. You will receive a paper copy for the Project Administrator to sign and email back to DCJS.

Will grants currently in progress start in the new system?

For the first phase of implementation, we are transitioning a select number of DCJS grants:

  • CCCA/PSA-Community Corrections & Pretrial Services Expansion Grants – Start Date 1/1/2021
  • PAPIS Pre-Release and Post-Incarceration Services Expansion Grants – Start Date 1/1/2021
  •  VSTOP-Violence Against Women Grants – Start Date 1/1/2021
  •  SASP-Sexual Assault Services Program Grants – Start Date 1/1/2021

Please contact your grant monitor for the timeline of when your specific grant program will start using OGMS. New grant solicitations/ funding opportunities are planned to start in the new system.  There may be exceptions so continue to check the DCJS website for all funding opportunities and guidelines.

Will the new system impact hard copy records retention in any way?

You will be able to print documents from OGMS.

Will the program be allowed to be on multiple computers within the same office/program?


Will this presentation be available on the DCJS website so we can refer to it when we submit our first reports?

Yes, both sessions will be available on our website.  The recordings will be available after all sessions have been completed.

Will we apply for a FY22 grant in OGMS?

Please contact your grant monitor for the timeline of when your specific grant program will start using OGMS.

Will we be able to access old grants from this system or will we use the old system.

At this time,  you should use GMIS to access historical data.

Submitting Applications

Can more than one person in my organization work on completing the application at the same time?

Yes, if you allow others access to your application multiple users can edit and view the information

Can the application title be changed prior to submission of the application?

Yes, you can make edits until you submit the application.

Can you select two or more individuals as primary contacts?

You can only select one person as the primary contact.

The project administrator should be listed as the primary contact but other individuals can be listed under additional contacts.  

Do any of the budget forms auto fill in other areas? For example the itemized budget to the budget grid?

No, auto fill is not available on the application forms.  However, a specific grant program can allow you the option to copy the application under future funding opportunities. 

How do we change the grant contact person information, say if the director leaves.

You would submit a contract amendment and register the new individual in OGMS.  Once the registration is complete and the contract amendment has been approved you will need to add the individual as an additional contact on the grant. For instructions on this process, please refer to the OGMS Training & Resources page.

I understand all parties register individually but how do the localities approve the application for submission?

The project administrator has signatory authority unless another person is designated to have signing authority.  The project administrator, or designated individual, will need to electronically sign the Authority Certification form in the application. 

I'm used to uploading a PDF document with the grant application info. Under OGMS, all I have to do is sign in and enter the grant data and submit for approval?

You will complete the application in OGMS and will not need to send a PDF. However, some funding opportunities will still require you to upload documents. Your Project Administrator will need to sign the Authority Certification.

If a match is required for your grant program, will it be available on the budget for that grant program.

Yes.  If a match is required those columns will be available in your budget.  Please refer to instructions in your funding opportunity or contact your program coordinator.

If other staff members are registered to enter info, can they see/add/edit the application process or only be allowed to enter victim info?

Yes, if a staff member is added as an additional contact they have access to edit the application.   In addition, you will have the option to associate staff members after the grant has been awarded.

If our County has a financial person that monitors all the grants under the county's Federal ID and DUNs, are they still going to be the one to approve reports, etc. Is the county administration still going to be the ones receiving awards or to the spec

The award will be issued to the locality.  Each locality can have multiple users register in the system to manage the award.  Each person’s role and responsibility in managing the award is determined by the locality.  The project administrator has signatory authority unless another person is assigned as a designee. 

Is everything, including application/project name editable?

Yes, you can edit and save the forms until you submit the application.

Is the Primary Contact considered to be the person who actually signs the grant applications?

This would be the person with signature authority - The Project Administrator listed on the Statement of Grant Award (SOGA) has signatory authority on the grant.  The primary contact can be the Project Administrator or a designee.  To delegate authority to someone other than the Project Administrator, please send a letter with the application grant numbers(s) to and copy your grant monitor.

Is there the ability to copy an application if denied or you want to submit to a different program?

This depends on the funding opportunity, contact your Program Coordinator for specifics.

Once submitted, can the entire application be printed as one PDF? Including the attachments?

Yes, you can print a copy of the submitted application however, the attachments would need to be printed separately.

Our County Executive (Project Administrator) usually signs off on the acceptance of the SOGA agreement. So I would need our County Executive to sign up for an OGMS account?

Yes, that is correct.

Our organization has three DCJS grants, what will that look like in OGMS?

There is no limit to the number of users who can register under one organization. Any grant started or submitted by one of those users will now be associated with that organization. For the user to have access to the application and grant tracking they will need to be added as an additional contact. This can be done at the application level or in grant tracking after the grant has been awarded.

What is the authority certification?

The person with signing authority will complete this form in OGMS and sign electronically before submitting your application to DCJS (see below)

What is the difference between Cash match and In Kind match?

Refer to the DCJS grant program funding opportunity for guidance and instructions.

What is the performance statement supposed to address?

The performance statement is on the face sheet and is shared with the CJSB to demonstrate the accomplishments of the projects and supports continuation funding.

Will acceptance of the award be an online process as well? Or will this be a form we will upload in the near future?

Initially, the grant award will continue to be a manual process outside of the new system.  Once all DCJS grants transition to the new system, contracts (formerly known as award letters) will be issued in OGMS.

Will all the forms on the training video be included in applications?

Not all of the forms in the training demonstration will be part of every program / funding opportunity. Forms are specific to each funding opportunity.  Please refer to the DCJS grant program funding opportunity for guidance and instructions.


Will the additional contacts be cc: on email alerts from OGMS for that specific grant application?


Will the project administrator sign hard copy documents or sign through the system? Usually city attorneys also need to see and approve the form.

Yes, electronic signatures will be accepted in the system. However, initially, the statement of grant award process will remain the same. You will receive an emailed copy for the Project Administrator to sign and email back to DCJS.

Will we see everyone else's Questions and Answers under Funding Opportunities?

DCJS staff can choose to answer in private or post the response for others to view.

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